Art For All

Art for ALL– A2 is an in-home art program dedicated to providing the benefits of arts and motor skills for individuals all disabilities. It began as Art for Autism and has grown. Providing arts is a tactile and visual experience of positive explosion for children at all levels on the spectrum, and other disabilities, currently even in home TBI therapy and art!
Classes run 2 hrs and are provided in home, we do individual lessons or groups (group discount offered), as well as special occasions - such as birthdays. We offer our program in the Phoenix and Tucson Metro areas. Evening, weekend, weekday summer classes... In order to provide the best curriculum / class possible, we will ask for a little information on your child, in relation to their disability during booking.
Phoenix - $80.00
Tucson- $95.00
About the instructor:
Danell Lynn is the founder and director of Highwire and co-founder and director of Threading Hope (both humanitarian organizations), she is the president of Dl-couture, CEO of The D-Club, a published writer, and operates The DL - Fine Arts. She is an entrepreneur and holds degrees in Art, Psychology and Masters in Special Education. She was a nominee for the Governors Arts Awards for Arizona, and has been recognized cross-culturally for her work with children and the arts. She has worked in specialized schools specific for children diagnosed with Autism, been a behavior support specialist and a special education director.
She is the author of – The Forgotten Few – a soon to be released book that focuses on the lives of individuals “labeled.”
This book takes a chance; it shows us the controversial world of labeling through the eyes of those that have been “labeled.” --Find more and read a snap shot of the introduction at Words Flow, (you can also email us and be placed on the list for notification of pre-release date and be one of the first to own the publication)